Saturday, August 3, 2019

Daniel Skuta - Meal Prep Cooking Schedule

Daniel Skuta is a former pro footballer who played for nine years with the NFL before he was prematurely taken out of the game by an injury. Now he's a business investor, but he's still focused on health and wellness, and he loves cooking from home.
Cut Down Cooking Time with Meal Prep

If you don't feel like you have enough time to cook from home, as Daniel Skuta does, find recipes you can make in advance. Set aside time every week to shop and prepare your next batch of meals, so all the work is done ahead of time.

This sample meal prep cooking schedule will get you started:
  • Day 1 – Buy groceries necessary for your meal prep recipes, either after work or at the start of your weekend.

  • Day 2 – Set aside two to four hours to prepare your recipes, then divide them into containers for the coming six days.

  • Days 3-7 – Enjoy your premade meals, noting anything you want to change for next week.

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