Friday, July 26, 2019

Daniel Skuta - A Workout Routine for You and Your Dog

Daniel Skuta is a retired NFL player, business investor, traveler, and volunteer, but he is also a dog owner who loves spending his time with his Pit Bull, Kaiya. 
As a former professional athlete, he enjoys staying active, and if he can spend time with his pup while doing so, even better!

Daily Workouts with Your Dog

If you're an active dog lover like Daniel Skuta, consider following a workout routine every day with your dog so you can both stay healthy. 

The quick plan below is for non-fetch dogs, but you can replace the 30 seconds of play with one ball or frisbee throw:
  • One minute of play/wrestle/tug time for your dog, 90 seconds of jumping jacks for you. Repeat twice. 

  • One minute of play/wrestle/tug time for your dog, 90 seconds of jogging in place for you. Repeat twice.
One minute of play/wrestle/tug time for your dog, 90 seconds of jump rope for you. Repeat twice.

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