Friday, June 21, 2019

Daniel Skuta - Supporting Defense, Serving the Community

Daniel Skuta is proud to have once played with the Jacksonville Jaguars—and to have enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of the franchise’s rich and storied tradition of excellence and elevated performance both on and off-the-field.

A former Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker, Dan Skuta is also proud of the work and support he provides the Duval County community through Sacksonville—a t-shirt and apparel brand that celebrates the Jacksonville defense while supporting hungry children throughout the Greater Jacksonville region.

Defense and Community

With Sacksonville, Danel Skuta is honored by the opportunity to donate a sack lunch to a hungry child with each Sacksonville t-shirt purchase. 

Supplied by Revolution Foods, Sacksonville sack lunches are given to in-need children with the hope of making each day just a little bit easier and happier for those in need.

To learn more about Sacksonville merchandise and the work they do for and throughout the Duval County community, visit today.

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